LED • 20-40 watts • 1800 to 3000 lm
Product Features
Product Highlight
Wide range of optics and options
Superior corrosion resistance
Durable lasting construction
Product Highlight
Freedom to modify
Stainless steel exposed hardware
Applications: buildings, retail, commercial, educational, municipal.
Element family series includes a mini bollard, bollard, medium scale and large scale luminaries for exterior landscape areas, pedestrian areas and building accents.
High efficiency:
LED's and Driversoptics:
Symmetric or asymmetric and other optionsrange of power outputs
20 to 40 watts / 0-10v Dimcolor:
2700k, 3000K, 4000Kcri 80
Type-III, Vfinish:
Super TGIC power paint, 6 standard colors
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